10 Ways to Talk your Loved One into Ketamine Addiction Treatment
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, ketamine is an anesthetic mostly found in veterinary clinics and occasionally hospitals. It is a psychologically addictive drug commonly seen in club and rave atmospheres. If you have a loved one addicted to ketamine, there are some ways to talk to them about ketamine addiction treatment.
1. Be Kind
One of the most important things that you can do is practice kindness and understanding. Remember that this is someone you love and they need your help. When their drug abuse has hurt you it is difficult to be nice but in order to get through to them you have to.
2. Do Not Yell
Although it might be tempting to be angry with the addict, do not yell, raise your voice, or seem angry. This is probably the hardest thing that you will do when talking to a loved one about addiction treatment but you are not there to be angry, you are there to help.
3. Do Not Judge
Being nonjudgmental is extremely difficult but addiction is a disease. The addict cannot help that they are addicted. The important thing is to get them treatment not push them away from you.
4. Listen to Them

Listen to what your loved one has to say without judging them.
Listening is a part of talking someone into addiction treatment. It sounds counterintuitive but many addicts need someone to listen to them before they will consider treatment.
5. Learn the Addiction
Before you talk to an addict learn about their addiction. Ketamine is a dissociative drug. Learn why they are taking it and what they gain for it. It is easier to argue for treatment when you know all of the facts.
6. Mean What you Say
When you talk to an addict, it is extremely important to both mean and follow through with what you say. If promise to help them find treatment then you have to follow through. Many people who are addicted to ketamine, were disappointed or abandoned by the people in their life. They need to know they can count on you.
7. Talk to them When they are Sober
Talking to an ketamine addict while they are on the drug is pointless. Ketamine causes memory issues and a separation of mind and body. Unfortunately, if you can get them to understand you while they are on drugs, they will not remember what you or they said.
8. Show Unconditional Love
When you talk about treatment always show unconditional love. Since to them it feels like everyone in their life will abandon them, then need your love despite the addiction. This is not to say you should condone what they are doing, but letting them know you still love them can help.
9. Support their Effort to Quit
If they choose to quit or if you have to intervene and get them treatment, you should support what they are doing. Help them by showing them that you are proud of them for being in treatment and quitting the drug.
10. Find a Treatment Center that Works for Them
Finding a treatment center that fits their needs is extremely important, it needs a to be one that can handle a psychological addiction to ketamine and one that can find the cause of the addiction. For more information about ketamine addiction or help with talking to your loved one call us at 800-915-1270 (Sponsored).