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5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Spiked Beverages during the Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration and getting together with family and friends. Most people choose to indulge in a variety of alcoholic beverages as they celebrate. There is an unfortunate side to going out to clubs, parties, and other social functions where alcohol is served. Some people think that it is amusing to spike both nonalcoholic and alcoholic drinks with either more alcohol or drugs like ketamine. This can be very bad if you are a recovering alcoholic or recovering ketamine addict. Fortunately, there are a few ways to protect you against spiked beverages during holiday celebrations.

Get Your Own Drinks

If you are at a private party be sure to pour your own drink or watch the person who is serving it. Accepting a drink from someone you do not know without watching the pour it is dangerous at a private party. Everyone has heard at least one story about accepting a drink from a stranger and it having either drugs or alcohol in it. Sexual predators and pranksters alike spike drinks at private parties.

If you are at a club or bar, watch the bartender pour your drink. Although it is nice to have someone purchase a drink for you it can also be dangerous particularly if you are not drinking alcohol. It is traditional if someone buys you a drink for the drink to be alcoholic in nature. If someone decides to purchase a drink for you, go to the bar and get it or make sure that the wait staff brings it to you. Do not accept an open drink from a stranger.

Do Not Leave Your Drink Alone

If you are drinking and need to leave to use the restroom or to dance, never leave your drink alone. You can:

  • ask a friend to watch it,
  • finish the drink before you leave,
  • get a new drink when you return, or
  • leave an unopened drink such as a soda can or bottle.

It is difficult for someone to spike if it is being watched or if it is unopened.

Watch for Signs of Tampering

Be alert while at holiday parties.

Be alert while at holiday parties.

If you should have to leave your drink unattended make sure it hasn’t been tampered with when you get back. Check for simple things such as:

  • cloudy appearance,
  • strange tastes,
  • unusual bubbling,
  • changes in the straw position,
  • the addition or subtraction of a straw or napkin, and
  • differences in position.

It is important to be aware or what you are drinking, what it should look like, and what it should taste like. If anything seems off do not drink it.

Remain Alert When Out at Clubs, Bars, and Parties

If you are drinking, have a sober friend along or if you are not drinking, offer to be the sober one. Watch your friend’s drinks as well as yours. If you are drinking, make sure that you space your drinks out and remain relatively sober. It is important to not become so drunk that you are unable to tell what is normal and what is not. At large gatherings it is best to remain as sober as possible.

Stop Drinking if You Start to Feel Abnormal or Strange

If you or someone you are with starts to feel unusual or strange stop drinking and leave immediately. Depending on the severity of the feeling, you might want to seek medical attention. If your drink is spiked with alcohol it may have been a legitimate mistake but if you feel any of the signs of ketamine use it was probably done for a more nefarious purpose. For more information on ways to protect yourself from spiked drinks and the date rape drug ketamine call us at 800-915-1270 (Sponsored).

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