Recognizing a Problem with Ketamine
Once used in surgery on humans, ketamine is a very powerful anesthetic. Its use was discontinued due to a fugue state experienced when surgical patients were under the influence of ketamine. This fugue state is what draws thousands of users to try ketamine as a recreational drug.
Ketamine is a dangerously addictive drug and it is important to recognize when you have a problem with it. You can do this by knowing what it is and what it can do to your mind and body.
Recognizing Ketamine
Ketamine comes in two primary forms. The first is a liquid which is usually used in veterinary practices. The second is a white powder which is sometimes pressed into pill form. According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, ketamine is smoked, mixed into liquids (usually alcohol), snorted, or swallowed.
Signs of Ketamine Use
The signs of ketamine use can be very vague depending on how much ketamine a person is using. Sometimes it is just memory loss or lack of coordination that show you someone is on ketamine. Other times it can be changes in behavior or mood swings. Ketamine affects everyone in a different way so it is sometimes difficult to tell when someone is actively using.
If you or someone you love is actively using ketamine, there is a good chance there is a problem. For ketamine addiction treatment call 800-915-1270 (Who Answers?). We can help.
Side Effects of Ketamine

Visual hallucinations are a common side effect of Ketamine.
One of the ways to recognize a problem with ketamine is to recognize its side effects. According to Medscape, these side effects include:
- irregular heart beat
- tachycardia
- bradycardia
- visual, auditory, olfactory and other hallucinations
- vivid dreams
- low blood pressure
- increased metabolism
- problems with urination including bladder ulcerations
- delusions
- chest pain
- confusion
- catatonia
- semiconsciousness
There are many other clearly recognizable side effects but these are the ones you are most likely to see.
Signs of Ketamine Overdose
Ketamine overdose is a very serious condition that often results in death. Usually a ketamine overdose happens when someone mixes it with other drugs or alcohol. Overdosing on ketamine is a very big sign that the ketamine use is a problem. Some of the signs of overdose are:
- vomiting
- difficulty breathing
- agitation
- extreme confusion
- slowed breathing
- no breathing
- blue fingernails, lips, and eyelids
- loss of consciousness
These symptoms need medical attention immediately.
Signs of Ketamine Withdrawal
The signs of ketamine withdrawal are similar to the signs of ketamine use. These signs are:
- agitation
- loss of motor skills
- rage
- nausea
- vomiting
- insomnia
- tremors
- fatigue
- hearing loss
- cognitive dysfunction
- impaired heart and lung function
If you go into ketamine withdrawal, then there is definitely a problem with your ketamine use.
Where to Find Help for a Problem with Ketamine
If you have discovered that you or someone you love has a problem with ketamine, it is time to find treatment. We can help you find the treatment center that is right for you. All you have to do is call 800-915-1270 (Who Answers?).