Secrets: How People Hide their Ketamine Use - Learn the behaviors of hiding ketamine use and the odd places in which some addicts store the drug
How to Help a Friend Who Has Overdosed on Ketamine - Vomiting, muscle twitches and slurred speech are common warning signs of a ketamine overdose
10 Ways to Keep yourself Safe When You are Dosed with Ketamine - There are ways to prevent being drugged, however if it does happen, you should know what steps to take to keep yourself safe
- Meth Addiction Treatment Is the Time to Learn Healthy Expressions of Anger - There is a lot of emotion that accompanies a meth addiction and often people keep using drugs to escape those feelings. Anger is a common emotion when people are actively in the grips of a meth addiction. But, many people don’t express that anger openly. Instead they resort to passive aggression. When people begin their [&hellip
Date Rape Drug Addiction: Why You Need to Seek Treatment Now - An addiction to ketamine can quickly lead to physical and psychological health problems.