The Difference Between Ketamine Tolerance and Addiction
While most people that use ketamine, do it for recreational purposes at parties and clubs, others use it more frequently. When used often, ketamine tolerance can build, causing the user to take more just to experience the same desired feelings. While frequent use can build tolerance, it is not the same as addiction. Addiction is far difficult to manage and control without immediate treatment.
According to the University of Maryland’s Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR), ketamine tolerance in many instances can be very high and develop rapidly to the point where after a period of time users will no longer experience the dissociative effects when they first began using.
If you’re afraid your ketamine use may lead to an addiction, call 800-915-1270 (Who Answers?) now to seek treatment help.
What are The Differences Between Ketamine Tolerance and Addiction?

Developing a tolerance to ketamine is a sign you have a drug problem.
If a user seldom takes ketamine, they may not develop tolerance as quickly as other users who frequently have. The more often ketamine is used, then the higher the probability that a user may develop ketamine tolerance. While they may not be addicted yet, tolerance can often lead a user into becoming psychologically addicted to ketamine. The ways that ketamine tolerance differs from addiction include:
Ketamine Tolerance:
With repeated use, a ketamine user can develop tolerance. They will end up using more of the drug because the dose they usually took is no longer having the same effects. Now they need more in order to experience the same desired reactions the drug had on them initially. They may no longer be feeling the out of body experience as before, and for some that is what they want –so they end up using more of the ketamine. Aside from the dangerous consequences of ketamine use, frequent use can lead to an addiction.
Ketamine Addiction:
Frequent use of ketamine can result in a user becoming addicted to taking ketamine. Users that have developed dependence to ketamine, may have a psychological addiction to it. The psychological addiction is more related to the hallucinogenic effects that ketamine produce. Users get hooked on these dissociative feelings and end up seeking the drug more often. They may show signs similar to that of any other drug addiction.
They want the drug, they think they cannot function without it, and they have become so used to the way the drug makes them feel that they will do just about anything to get their hands on more ketamine.
Ketamine Tolerance Can Produce Harmful Psychological Effects
The more you use the drug, the higher the chances of building tolerance to it, and the more possible it becomes to abuse it and experience its harmful psychological effects, some which can include:
- Delirium
- Amnesia
- Schizophrenic like behavior
- Depression
- Extreme hallucinations or bad trip
Additional effects may be possible and not listed here. It can depend on the person, where and who they are with, and the amount of ketamine taken. In any case, once a user develops ketamine tolerance, the chances of a bad trip become higher. A person on a bad trip may end up needing immediate medical attention.
Seeking Treatment if You Have Developed Ketamine Tolerance
While addiction is more harmful (especially that a user will do just about anything to get more ketamine) building ketamine tolerance is the precursor of addiction. It would only be more important to stop ketamine use by seeking treatment before the addictive properties of ketamine take control over your emotions. If you are using ketamine because of its dissociative effects, and it makes you forget about your current issues, then there may be a more serious emotional problem that needs to be addressed.
We can help you find the best ketamine abuse treatment for your needs; call 800-915-1270 (Who Answers?) today!